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Cani Adan

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Over the past couple of years, I have been blessed to get to know Heather Keeler. As a friend and Moorhead resident, I am excited about the opportunity that District 4A has in the upcoming election. Heather Keeler is a woman of high integrity. She is dedicated to helping others. She is a natural leader who has proven that she is ready to lead District 4A. 


It is my honor and pleasure to support and endorse Heather Keeler for the Minnesota House seat in District 4A, which includes the city of Moorhead and Oakport Township. Heather has contributed countless volunteer hours to support our community through her involvement with the Moorhead Human Rights Commission and Moorhead Public Schools.


She always acts with integrity, caring, and thoughtfulness. She has a commitment to collaborative and inclusive decision making. Heather deserves the opportunity to serve District 4A, and District 4A deserves a leader as qualified and passionate as Heather Keeler.


Cani Adan, Chair, Moorhead Human Rights Commission

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